Creepy Cat is a fullcolor horror 4koma manga by Cotton Valent about a girls daily life living along the side of our titular character Creepy Cat.
Creepy Cat is also the second best horror manga centered around cats. The first of course being Kuro by Soumatou
Unlike Kuro though Creepy Cat is much more focused on the comedic shenanigans of Creepy and his fellow other Creepy Cats. There are some stretches of an actual serious plot and world building but definitely I would say the stronger points of this manga lie in the lighter sections.
While there are genuinely creepy moments scattered throughout the manga you also have an honest to goodness Count Dracula style vampire who gets temporarily vanquished because he happens to be a cat person and allows Creepy to lay on him near a window until the sun rises.
While I like Flora and even to an extent Oscar albeit he basically stalks Flora for the whole manga the stars of the manga are obviously the cats.
Creepy is always great albeit I do kind of regret that he only really acts creepy in like the first third of the manga. Although partially its just because Flora gets used to his shenanigans after a while.
Kokoro and Hime are pretty great.
Specifically Hime.
Despite how obvious the joke of the smallest creepy cat also being the strongest is it never stopped being funny.
But also the best creepy cat is Coffee and this isnt debatable. The secondary reason for me even doing a review for this manga in the first place was to state this indisputable fact.
Centipede cats are cute.
Doubles as a scarf.
Is employed and a contributing member of society.
Master pianist.
Also doubles as a useful ingredient in witch rituals.
...Why is it that usually when I especially like something in a manga its introduced pretty late into the manga and thus it gets less screentime/use? Why?
Ahem... seriously though Ive been appreciating fun bingeable series such as this one more and more in the last few years. And obviously its not exactly like theres a huge supply of good and fun standalone horror 4koma manga out there. Let alone ones centered on cats.
So in what world would I not like this? The only thing really holding it back is again that there really didnt need to be serious arcs. And also Oscar was really kind of hard to like for a bunch of the manga with how obsessed with Flora he was but he does mellow out a bit by the end. Or maybe the presence of Coffee just buffed his character in my mind.
I give Creepy Cat a 75 out of 100 or a 7.5 out of 10. I hope Cotton Valent does another manga in the future