220https://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/017/087/40/N000/000/003/123543170502716203425.jpg Why you should watch Sola Sky anime? English language: I really liked this anime so let me share my opinion with you. It is a unique anime because of its story and characters. I havent watched any anime like this. At first I was a little bored because nothing special was happening. I wanted to give up but I soon changed my mind when I saw what happened in the second episode which made me decide to keep watching. As I watched further I asked myself more questions about that anime because it is full of mysteries. The more I watched the more mysterious the story became and the more I wanted to know what would happen next. I was really surprised by some things. The beginning of the anime was more slice of life which is why it was a bit boring for me but later the genres of drama and supernatural prevailed. Something that seems irrelevant to you in the anime is actually important and has a deeper meaning. And that of course I found out in the end. As for the ending for me the ending was neutral. For some the end was happy while for others it was sad. It is neutral to me because I am not on anyones side. Whoever watches will know what it is about. Anime talks about death and life but also about how not all things are as they seem. Maybe this is really little I said but I cant say more especially because I dont want to reveal spoilers. Its generally a great anime to me but its not for everyone. If you dont like watching slower anime especially in the beginning you might not like it. If youre not a fan of the genres of drama romance and the supernatural you might not be so interested. Regardless try to watch if you want you might even like it. I will just add this and that is that at the end of 2007 Japanese anime fans voted Sola as the best anime of the year. I found out about it after I watched Sola. Now whether you watch it or not is up to you. Everyone has their own taste and I wont make anyone watch something if they dont like it. I really liked this anime and since it is not very popular I wanted to say something about it. 220https://s1.1zoom.me/b5050/63/200883aliya061920x1200.jpg Zato pogledati Sola Sky anime? Hrvatski jezik: Ovaj anime mi se stvarno svidio pa da podijelim svoje miljenje s vama. Jedinstven je anime zbog svoje prie i likova. Nisam gledala nijedan anime koji je slian ovome. U poetku mi je bio malo dosadan jer se nita posebno nije dogaalo. Htjela sam odustat ali sam ubrzo promijenila miljenje kada sam vidjela to se desilo u drugoj epizodi zbog koje sam odluila da nastavim dalje gledat. Kako sam dalje gledala tako sam i sebi postavljala vie pitanja u vezi toga animea jer je on pun misterija. to sam vie gledala pria je postajala tajanstvenija i sve sam vie htjela znat to e se dalje dogaat. Ba su me iznenadile neke stvari. Poetak animea je bio vie slice of life zbog ega mi je i bio malo dosadan ali su zato poslije prevladali anrovi drama i nadnaravno. Neto to ti se ini u animeu da je nebitno je zapravo bitno i ima dublje znaenje. A to sam naravno saznala na kraju. to se kraja tie meni je kraj bio neutralan. Nekome je kraj bio sretan dok je nekome tuan. Meni je neutralan zato to nisam ni na ijoj strani. Tko bude gledao znat e o emu je rije. Anime govori o smrti i ivotu ali i o tome kako nisu sve stvari takve kakvim se ine. Moda je ovo stvarno malo to sam rekla ali ne mogu vie da kaem pogotovo jer ne bi da otkrivam spoilere. Openito mi je odlian anime ali nije za svakoga. Ako ne volite gledat sporiji anime pogotovo na poetku moda vam se ne svidi. Ako niste ljubitelji anrova drame romantike i nadnaravnog moda vas nee toliko zanimat. Bez obzira na to pokuajte pogledati ako elite moda vam se i svidi. Samo u jo ovo dodat a to je da krajem 2007. godine japanski oboavatelji animea proglasili su Solu najboljim animeom godine. Za to sam saznala tek nakon to sam pogledala Solu. Sad hoete li vi pogledati ili ne to ovisi od vas. Svako ima svoj ukus i neu nikoga tjerati da gleda neto ako mu se ne svia. Meni se ovaj anime ba svidio i poto ba i nije popularan htjela sam rei neto o njemu.
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