Minor Spoilers 660https://i.ur.com/PC9Xblb.jpg Story: Densuke Mifune a blank slate male protagonist with no personality has just enrolled in the Zashono Academy. The institute itself has more than 54000 students enrolled ranging from elementary school to high school. Mifune is optimistic about beginning his journey as a high school student. Shortly after his arrival Mifune slips on a banana peel and lands on top of Chiharu a redhaired girl with massive breasts. After this two members of the titular EIken club appear out of the sky in a mech. They inform Mifune that hes been selected to become the clubs newest member because hes stupid weak and boring they got that right. After forcing him into the Eiken club Mifune discovers that Chiharu is also a member of the club. So what exactly does the Eiken club do? Nothing special really. The members just hang out and thats pretty much it. In the first half of episode 1 we see them eat dinner together and we also briefly see another character work on some gadgets. In the second half of episode 1 and in most of episode 2 the academy participates in some games against each other in teams. There really isnt that much of a story here. Characters: The characters are all bland and onedimensional. The first time I watched this I forgot everyones name like two minutes after I finished the show. Most of their designs are okay I guess but they arent anything special. Ill go over each of the characters individually. At best they have like one or two defining personality traits and thats it. Densuke Mifune He is the aforementioned plain protagonist with no personality clearly meant for the viewer to project themselves on to. His character design is generic and he is the only male member of the Eiken Club. Thats all I have to say about him. 160https://i.ur.com/tfLk20V.jpg Chiharu Shinonome Considered one of the most attractive girls in the academy Chiharu serves as the series heroine and also as Mifunes eventual love interest. She is supposedly shy around boys because she came from an all girls junior high. I say supposedly because the third time she meets with Mifune she says that she wishes it was just the two of us. She also has ginormous tiddies that Mifune fantasizes about and accidently grabs sometimes. 160https://i.ur.com/JLChWJF.png Yuriko Shinonome Chiharus younger sister. The first time we see her is when Mifune and Chiharu are talking alone. In this scene he tries to apologize for peeping on her earlier and seeing her bare breasts. In the middle of this scene Yuriko literally appears out of nowhere and crashes right into MC with her crotch pressed up against his face. Afterwards she teases Mifune about seeing Chiharus breasts earlier. Next Yuriko proceeds to sexuality harass her sister by grabbing both of her boobs without consent. Mifune tries to stop Yuriko but he trips on a banana peel again and accidently removes Chiharus panties. This completely renders Mifunes apology for peeping at Chiharu before worthless. If you havent guessed Yurikos only function is to harass Mifune and sometimes Chiharu. 160https://i.ur.com/8r2P7nS.png Kirika Misono She serves as the leader of the Eiken club. She is the tallest of all the members and is also the most sexualized. For roughly half of the show she is seen with something thick and long in her mouth mostly bananas and ice cream. She also wears the most revealing outfits. 160https://i.ur.com/dFIuXBZ.png Komoe Harumachi Being a sixth grader she is the youngest member of the club. Her only personality traits is that shes loud and clumsy. Great. 160https://i.ur.com/ueZ1bNP.jpg Kyoko Morooka She is the sole member of the Eiken Clubs science division and is also the only female character who isnt sexualized at least to my knowledge. She works on machines like the mecha we saw at the beginning of the OVA. She occasionally gets help on her projects from Kuma a big ass teddy bear with like 7 seconds of screen time and no dialogue. Kyoko is jealous of the other female members because shes the only girl with a flat chest. 160https://i.ur.com/nhRCo1D.png Sensei A teacher with green hair who is the Eiken clubs advisor. She gets upset that noone can remember her name which is ironic because we never learn what her actual name is. Apparently the other members of the club dont even bother to acknowledge her existence. 160https://i.ur.com/A3gRJ02.png Todoroki and Shimada These two only serve as plot devices to put Difune in more sexual misunderstandings. They only appear a few times in the first episode. 160https://i.ur.com/BjlMzpY.png There are a few other characters like Shima Kurosawa and Lin Grace but they arent worth discussing. The former just serves as a rival to Mifune in the second episode. Visuals: The animation isnt what I would call it good but its not terrible either. It was animated by J.C.Staffhttps://anilist.co/studio/7/JCStaff who have produced quite a bit of anime over the years. From what Ive seen most of their work visually ranges from alright to very good. The visuals of Eiken look subpar but the animation isnt really what I have a big issue with. What I have an issue with is whats portraited on screen. Eiken has a ridiculous amount of fanservice. We constantly get bombarded with titty and pantie shots. Now fanservice is to be expected being that this is an ecchi anime but Eiken goes WAY overboard. To clarify I dont usually mind fanservice in anime as along as there is something else to the show aside from just the fanservice. For example High School DxDhttps://anilist.co/anime/11617/HighSchoolDxD/ is another ecchi harem anime but this one balances out the fanservice with some action scenes and an engaging story. This isnt the case with Eiken. The plot of the show can be summed up in two sentences: Boy enrolls in an academy. Upon his arrival he joins a club and over time he begins to harbor feels towards another member. The rest of Eiken is basically just softcore porn. Not to mention the fanservice here isnt titillating in the least. Its whatever at best and downright revolting at worst. Its also so ridiculously in your face and blatant that I cant help but find it eye roll inducing. For instance there is a scene in the second episode where during the games contestants have to race against each other in swimsuits and midway through they have to eat chocolate covered bananas in other to advance. They of course do so in the most suggestive way possible. Perhaps the worst scene in Eiken is the yogurt slide scene that takes during the second phase of the games. Participates have to go down a large slide with a stream of yogurt and land into the pool below. Its established that if someone were to separate contact with any of their team members before landing in the pool their team would be disqualified. In this scene Mifune Chiharu Yuriko and the green haired teacher we never learn the name of all go down the slide together. Before evening going down the damn thing the fanservice begins and its god awful. The whole scene is filled to the brim with uncomfortable and offputting sexual imagery and innuendos especially when they are about halfway down the slide. Some parts of this scene straight up look like something youd see in a hentai. Sound: I hardly have anything to report in the sound department. The music is alright but unmarkable. Nothing memorable but nothing thats unpleasant either except for the eyecatch music which I found kind of annoying. They use generic sexy sax music for a scene where Mifune gets flustered but thats at least one thing I remember about the music. Overall: Its poop. Without question the worst anime Ive ever seen. At least other astronomically terrible OVAs like Mars of Destructionhttps://anilist.co/anime/413/MarsofDestruction/ and Skelter+Heavenhttps://anilist.co/anime/3287/TenkuuDanzaiSkelterHeaven/ were brief and didnt feature copious amounts of cringeworthy fanservice. Even amongst ecchi harem two genres that some people perceive as being bad by default you can do a lot better than Eiken. Id say dont watch it but I cant tell you what to do /. I suppose if youd like to torture yourself and/or watch something with the intent of lowering your mean score this should do the trick just fine. I give Eiken a 1 out of 10.
10 /100
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