Why Aria is a masterpiece
Rating: 10/10
This is a spoilerfree review.
Its been a while since I felt this relaxed reading a manga. The leisurely pace is just suited right for me. Recently because of corona everything around me seems to be moving so fast I just finished my 10th grade I wish I could spend more time appreciating my surroundings each and every one of them. And After reading this manga Ive agreed that this manga has the best pacing. Sometimes I just wanna forget about everything and just disappear into the wonderful world of Aria. A depiction of little more than the life of characters within their setting.
At first I thought it bad I took so long to finish it but now Im happy because the longer you read it the more involved youre into the world this just makes the upcoming chapters magical. The guy who wanted to finish this as soon as possible is now wanting it to never end.
Now before you start reading Aria make sure you read Aqua. Aqua is actually a prequel to Aria so make sure to read it first to have better understanding of whats happening in Aria.
NeoVenezia the pride of planet Aqua is a quaint city filled with canals and easygoing people. The more you read then you will start to see an undiscovered world of beauty to how amazing Planet Aqua is. This positive look at the world the sensitivity for the ephemeral is really amazing. The inhabitants of NeoVenezia take simpleminded approach to life which is reflected in Aria.
Aria teaches us to value all those little moments. The author Kozue Amano showing us those little things by small panels filled with no dialogue and full of character experience. Its as if youre there with them. Those little things such as random picnics Cleaning your gondola or even just roaming around the cities. Theres no other manga that would give you such an magical experience. This is what Slice of life really is.
Like most slice of life there is no major plot. Its basically the characters daily lives but its damn interesting. There is no greater goal no overarching deed that needs to be done so that the manga can focus simply on their everyday lives as they strive towards graduating from their apprenticeship.
Into the everchanging flow of time... A fleeing yet treasurable moment was carved. A moment to be relieved sometime in the future. Now theres a wonderful thing to look forward to.
I feel like a genius after reading this. The author teaches us about the different traditions places and planets in a more enjoyable way. This is the only time I ever like learning something. The essence of Kozue Amanos work which constantly echoes within it is the way of life adopted by the protagonists and their loved ones.
If youre having second thoughts on reading aria just go read the 49th chapter. Theres no spoilers except for showing how brilliant kozue Amano is. In the whole chapter theres character dialogues except all you can read is the inner thought of Akari about her perspective of the four seasons on aqua.
Its amazing how someone can create a incredible chapter with no dialogue.
The way of enjoying every moment the way of getting excited at the simple things that are expressed by random events that can hide a unique beauty if you spend enough time on them.
The wheel of time keep turning and turning and never stops. In the very same community in Aqua everyone is reunited and that is absolutely stunning. The minute you start reading this manga youre already part of the community together with all of the amazing characters.
Aria has one of the best artwork Ive ever seen. Each chapter theres a full page dedicated to amazing artworks like this:
This is just breathtaking
You could also see that the art just keeps getting better and better by each chapter. The artstyle just compliments the whole story so well that each chapter is so exciting to read. Theres no words to explain how breathtaking the art is.
When you thought the artwork was good in the first few chapters
But it gets even better as you go on
I also love the funny Artstyle in between. This just makes the whole series more lighthearted and relaxing.
Im sorry the art was just too good.
The characters. I absolutely love them. Theres not a single character that felt left out and every character were perfect for their role. All in all Kozue Amanos character design is brilliant she chose the right type of characters for a slice of life manga. Every character is just so goddamn likable. Its not like its all about a single character its about everyone.
I always appreciate the fact that the author shows what happened to each character at the end of the manga as to what their future is. Its always a sense of relief to see that theyre not forgotten and Like I said its not like there is a side character each character gets the attention they deserve.
Akari is also one of the best protagonist Ive ever seen plus shes Aquarius. The same as me. I really love her character so much she has all the features for an amazing protagonist. A master of bringing happiness.
This is the longest Ive ever spent on reading a manga. A month reading only one Manga and Im glad I spent that much time because its that precious. The more time you take to read it the more you form a bond with it. A bond that will be remembered forever. Aria was absolutely amazing a manga that will live in my heart forever.
I always call everything a masterpiece but this time its for real. The only issue with this manga is that I cant recommend to everybody especially nonslice of life readers because its really slow paced and you need a lot of patience to get through it but if you want to try it out Im not stopping you because the journey is something beautiful.
I didnt want to write about the ending since I wanted to keep this spoilerfree but Ill say it one of the best endings periodt. After reading the final chapter this is what the author conveyed and I wrote it in my own words about how I feel.
I feel sad and lonely now since its over but although it was probably something for the best. As lonely as it is and as sad it is.. its probably proof of just how precious this mangas existence is. They become sparkling dazzling and treasured memories that Ill carry inside my heart forever. Thats why this heart wrenching feeling is The proof of happiness.