I was just going to watch an episode but ended up finishing the series instead. Season 2 when? 220https://media.tenor.com/images/7233a4d3aa3f79d7a436e22fc9545cc4/tenor.gif Let me tell you: It was a wild ride. Kinda stupid at times really but hilariously so. Made me go pffft more times than I can recall Also a lot of kyaas and a few ehhhit was an experience But enough about me already lets talk about AoChan Cant Study A summary of the story: The story follows the high school girl AoChan who stuggles with childhood trauma from being the daughter of an erotic fiction author who has made her life miserable with his pervy ways. Ashamed of his existence she dedicates all her time to studying so she can get into a good university and move as far away from him as she possibly can. Since all of her time goes to studying shes a loner having no time for friends and especially not for boys. Because of her father she distrusts all men thinking them all perverts and wolves and so she does her best to avoid them but all of that changes when the popular boy Takumi Kijima confesses that he has a crush on her. Aochan makes every effort to reject him having no time for boys and dating but fails miserably everytime she looks at Kijima thinking about all the things she wants him to do to her while he is trying his hardest to make his true feelings come through to her. Its all very will they wont they. And surprisingly sweet and wholesome. And so begins our romcom adventure and as mentioned earlier it was a wild ride. My thoughts: For an ecchi anime I found it to be surprisingly adorable. It had a great cast of supporting characters as well my favourite being Soichiro Yabe her fathers editor and a cutie. Who would have been perfect for a love triangle but I guess not. Hmpf. Anyway... The storyline can be very predictable at times but I found it very enjoyable to watch And with every episode being just 12 minutes long its perfect if youre looking to watch something new while not having to dedicate too much time to it. Which I think we all can agree can be a nice change at times It has a fun cast of characters and a banger of an opening. Its super catchy. Dont believe me? here judge for yourself. https://youtu.be/IqxqhMclCs8 Right? right? told you. Conclusion: would I recommend it? Yes yes I would. It was a lot of fun and I liked it enough that I would watch season 2 if it ever were to come out. It probably wont be everyones cup of tea but you wont know until you give it a chance right? So... Go do that. You wont regret it. Probably? 220https://64.media.tumblr.com/c0f34878d32c9aeef0d5493bec2afd6b/tumblrpq54u3gcta1xuotc0o2500.gifv
80 /100
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