I remember when this came out and it seemed so interesting. So when I got a job that gave me an office and work that meant I sometimes didnt need my computer monitor I took the opportunity to get back into anime. Because a lot of my watching is done at work my main criteria at the time of watching was 1 having an English dub so I dont have to look at the screen the entire time and 2 being complete so I can binge if it turns out awesome which means older series tend to fit. I love anything resembling mysteries so the 13yearold Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok seemed like a good idea.
I love anything resembling a mystery so this mysteryfantasy fusion seemed perfect. It started well amusing and Loki even has a magical girlstyle summoning sequence for his staff. For most of the series it stayed enjoyable and I could really get into the mythologywhat little there is but at least its entertaining. And then the final episode is spent not wrapping things up and implying there will be another season which of course there wasnt.
Is there an English dub? Exists but childLokis voice is weirdly mature and sidekick Mayuras voice is obnoxiously high and slightly screetchy as it often the case when trying to dub a character who had a very highpitched Japanese voice. A lot of the characters sound unnatural. Its very much a product of its time early aughts and will likely leave dublovers disappointed.
How are the visuals? Pretty enough. ChildLoki is adorable and I giggled through his magicalgirllike staffsummoning sequence every time. Character designs are distinct so its hard to confuse one for another.
Is it worth watching? Not particularly unless youre good at tolerating inconclusive/openended endings in the sense that they clearly expected/wanted another season. Its not a very good mystery show and it cant decide how involved it wants to be with Norse mythology: other gods show up in various guises such as Thors appearance as a high school who works a parttime job for no discernible reason but very little mythology actually makes it into the story. Its only one season 26 episodes but the final episode is spent not wrapping things up and throws a mysterious new character into the very end hinting that Ominous Things Could Happen if a second season had been made. Not having read it I would assume that this is connecting to the manga plot and the anime studio anticipated/hoped for another season that didnt materialize leaving us with this disappointment of an ending.
Where to watch? I watched on Hulu but the series has since left and I cant find it available for streaming legally anywhere. The DVDs are available on Amazon.