Shakunetsu Kabaddi follows the story of Yoigoshi a former national soccer player who quit because of his lack of interest in teams sports. The series follows his development as he overcomes this attitude and joins the kabaddi club and becomes a vital member of its team. The story itself is nothing special apart from its unique setting with following the sport of kabaddi instead of following a repetitive football/basketball setting. Leaving on a cliffhanger if this series ever gets a sequel I will definitely check it out to see the team take on a tournament.
This is something I believe the series does both well and also not well. Some of the characters are heavily developed my main example will be Misumi. He goes from a nobody on the team who I immediately labelled and apologise for as the random support. Misumi proves himself to be much more than that which climaxes beautifully in the final episode. I wont say what he does as I dont want to get into spoilers but it was 100 worth it. Another great character is of course Yoigoshi who as Ive said above slowly develops through the series from a person who despises sports to a vital member of the team. Some of the other characterisation is not as great though for example: the three new members who I honestly cant remember the names of and lots of others. Azemichi who seemed like a vital member at the start of the series slowly became part of the drabble and didnt stand out as much which was irritating and this occurred with lots of other notable characters like the glasses guy too. Overall the characterisation was a 7/10 as it was good in some places but needed a lot of improvement in others.
Character Dynamics:
Theres nothing too notable apart from the classic team dynamic which this does really well like any other sports series. Some dynamics I enjoyed more than others for example: Sakura and Miyo i think thats his name XD who I thought were displayed really well as friends. And also Misumi and Date who also have a great relationship which is always great to see. Therefore the character dynamics are a 8/10.
The animation and visuals are pretty good. Especially when a character goes the extra step. The use of the black eyes with red pupils works really well to show Ojos change in personality and is always displayed really well and this can apply with other visuals. I have to say that the struggle visual isnt my favourite thing and the sound supporting it can get repetitive and irritating at times but asides from that the visuals are a 8/10.
Voice Acting:
The voice acting is really good consistently and I felt like I never had an issue with it but it also didnt really stand out to me at any points as it conveyed the emotions of a character but didnt really surpass that but maybe that is not the fault of the voice actors but just an issue with the story not allowing the voice actors to present their full capabilities. Nethertheless the voice acting in this was a 8/10.
Im a huge fan of the soundtrack of Shakunetsu Kabaddi aside from the Struggle sound effect which has got stuck in my head on repeat. The opening theme is really good but my personal favourite song is the ending theme which really encapsulates the theme of the show and listening to it always gets me hyped for the next episode. Overall the music is a 8.5/10.
The pacing was consistently good and I didnt have any flaws with it. So its an 8.5/10.
Genre Mixing:
There hasnt been much genre mixing in this and by genre mixing Im referring to when a series mixes two very opposite genres together and how it presents that either excellently or terribly but since this wasnt really displayed then there isnt much to say so I cant really give it a rating.
Conclusion and Score:
Overall Shakunetsu Kabaddi is a really solid sports anime but it doesnt do anything special in terms of story or character but what it does it does really well. So therefore my overall score for it is 7/10.