Im going to write a simple crisp spoiler free and short review as much as possible for your convenience about both the manga and the anime. This review is basically 100 percent my personal opinion influenced by none. So please take your time read this to the end and hearing me out for what I got to say. Manga 350 The plot is the clich revenge shounen type. There wasnt much of any character development except for Inosuke and Zenitsu which was made later in the series. The art style wasnt the greatest but it was acceptable. The starting is a bit slow and considering the fact Its releases weekly and that you can finish a chapter within 9 minutes or less it was much of a patience game in the beginning. The arc transition is smooth which I have no issues about. Now the manga of the series is over the public opinion about the ending was that they were disappointed and had much opinion to end it in a different way. What was being stated by the public is acceptable as it had potential but Im completely fine with ending. I felt that they rushed it a bit and could have made the chapter much longer and better if they explained what happened Manga was alright to the end as it was a common type shounen . I have nothing else to complain about. Anime 330 Due to the fact the first few chapters in the manga are slow the first few episodes would have been a bit boring but the studio which it got animated by was none other the one and only UFOTABLE. UFOTABLE had technically what seemed like they have unlimited budget. With this reason the studio went in hard with the animation and art style which made to first part which was technically the first 15 episodes entertaining. The Ost Original Sound Track was soo perfect with the moments and the environment and the opening Gurenge by LiSA and the ending Go Shiina ft. Nami Nakagawa Kamado Tanjirou no Utaalways slaps in hard. The Zenitsu sleeping attack part was tooo spinechilling and again amazingly animated and drawn. All the fight scenes is to be considered a god tier animation one. It had a bit of comedy which was actually funny despite the pressure of situation and the given plotlines seriousness as people and demon were being killed left and right There are few things i would like to say now this might trigger a few but Im fully prepared to face the consequences of my action. You see now a days people talk a lot of shit about demon slayer but what they dont realize is the fact about AGE GROUP FACTOR. This entire series is targeted for the younger age group like 1215 but most of the people who are talking shit about this series are way above the targeted age group. This manga was known by very less people until UFOTABLE was given the job to animate it. Well you see if you havent understood what Im trying to say then consider this situation when we were young we loved Beyblade Doraemon Ninja Hattori etc. which we loved so much but if you were to watch that now most of you wouldnt like it because of how childish it is and how repetitive the plot is. The main reason I wrote this review is to let you people know that keep your opinions to yourself its fine sharing it but imposing it on others and making a huge deal out of it is unacceptable and consider all facts before judging an series by doing some research work on it. PLEASE DONT HARASS OTHERS FOR HAVING AN DIFFERENT OPINION. THIS MIGHT SEEM RIGHT TO YOU BUT THE PERSON WHOSE SUFFERING THIS PUNISHMENT MIGHT GO THROUGH DEPRESSION OR PREHAPS MUCH WORSE THINGS. PLEASE THINK TWICE BEFORE COMMENTING OR SPEAKING. Thats all I had to say. Thank you soo much for spending your precious time and reading until here.
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