Sukeban Arashi
Follows the trials and tribulations of the titular sukeban, Rei Koujinyama, an athletic but not very bright high school girl prone to solving problems with her nunchaku rather than her wits. When the beautiful, intelligent, immensly rich and seemingly perfect zaibatsu heiress Shizuka Ayakouji transfers from Tokyo into Rei's rural school, the differences between them immediately causes them to clash, and before long their rivalry ends up involving their entire school. Will the two girls ever be able to see eye to eye, or are they destined to stay on bad terms?
Note: Chapters 1-6 were initially omitted from the volume release and were later compiled in the "Mabudachi Jingi: Kurumada Masami Shoki Tanpenshuu" vol...
Follows the trials and tribulations of the titular sukeban, Rei Koujinyama, an athletic but not very bright high school girl prone to solving problems with her nunchaku rather than her wits. When the beautiful, intelligent, immensly rich and seemingly perfect zaibatsu heiress Shizuka Ayakouji transfers from Tokyo into Rei's rural school, the differences between them immediately causes them to clash, and before long their rivalry ends up involving their entire school. Will the two girls ever be able to see eye to eye, or are they destined to stay on bad terms?
Note: Chapters 1-6 were initially omitted from the volume release and were later compiled in the "Mabudachi Jingi: Kurumada Masami Shoki Tanpenshuu" volume, while volume 1 of the series starts with chapter 7. Volume 2 also includes the one-shot Mikeneko Rock as a bonus.