Tatsuya Shirakawa, also known as Hakuryu, is a man who has grown the Kurosu-gumi from a small organization to a large one and dominates the underground area of Shibuya with his wit and action. A ruthless skill that doesn't choose any means. The courage to take a high-stakes gamble without hesitation. A hard-boiled comic depicting the powerful activities of the charismatic yakuza, Hakuryu! Kurosu and Hakuryu, who have fallen into a predicament due to the conflict with the Tenwakai, are trying to revive them...!?
Tatsuya Shirakawa, also known as Hakuryu, is a man who has grown the Kurosu-gumi from a small organization to a large one and dominates the underground area of Shibuya with his wit and action. A ruthless skill that doesn't choose any means. The courage to take a high-stakes gamble without hesitation. A hard-boiled comic depicting the powerful activities of the charismatic yakuza, Hakuryu! Kurosu and Hakuryu, who have fallen into a predicament due to the conflict with the Tenwakai, are trying to revive them...!?