Steven A. Starphase

スティーブン・A・スターフェイズ, Steven Alan Starphase
Birthday:Jun 9
Abilities: Esmeralda Blood Freeze Affiliations: Libra Steven Alan Starphase is Libras secondincommand. A shady man with many connections. Seemingly laid back he gives off an air of a suave businessman always with a quip or sardonic comment to make about the situation. When crossed however he shows a ruthless side and is not above using his connections to make problems disappear. Stevens ability allows him to decrease the temperature of his blood in order to freeze targets. His techniques are spoken in Spanish: Avin del Cero Absoluto Lanza del Cero Absoluto Escudo del Cero Absoluto Viento del Cero Absoluto Aguja del Cero Absoluto and Espada del Cero Absoluto.