Subaru Nagayoshi

Birthday:Sep 20
Blood Type:B
Hometown: Tokyo Height: 154 cm Subaru is a lively baseball fan in possession of lots of stamina and will sometimes even incorporate baseball terminology into her speech while discussing matters completely unrelated to the sport. Subaru ended up being scouted as an idol when she met the producer after almost accidentally hitting them with a foul ball in the middle of her training. At first however the producer actually assumes that shes a boy mainly due to Subarus tendency to use more commonly masculine aligned language such as referring to herself using ore rather than the common watashi. Very outgoing and friendly she helps the more reserved idols such as Roco with socialising and likes to see them have fun ensuring they feel included in activities. Anytime Subaru gets nervous she likes to head out and play some baseball or even just move around a little as it usually clears her head and helps her relax. Subaru tends to fawn over others girls a lot often admiring how cute and amazing girls can be despite also being a girl herself. One of the most common subjects of her admiration tends to be Yuriko Subaru has been motivated by her performances and personality a number of times leading to the two of them being seen together a lot despite their contrasting interests. However Subaru can also talk rather negatively about herself when she notes how cute the girls around her are and claims that she would just get in the way.