Medina La Lugensius Electra

メディナ・ラ・ルゲンシウス・エレクトラ, Electra
Electra was orphaned in the destruction of her hometown. She was saved by Captain Nemo and is his first mate on the Nautilus. She and Nemo share a past experience thats never fully explained. Electra is deeply in love with Nemo although she also harbors a deep grudge towards him for the deaths of her family. She becomes extremely jealous of Grandis infatuation for the Captain igniting a heated rivalry between them for his love. She grows fond of Jean and his determination to learn about technology seeing something of her long lost brother in him. Nadia on the other hand detests Electra and becomes increasingly and irrationally jealous of Jeans friendship with the First Officer her inability to express her concern to Jean nearly ruins their own relationship likewise Electra fears that Nadia will somehow steal Nemos heart away from her. Eventually however both women open up to one another.