Aji Tae

A former scholar from Jushin and the man Munsu holds responsible for the destruction of the country. Many of Munsus former allies and comrades have since switched their loyalties to Aji Tae having been coerced by his power or duped by his charisma. His motives and purpose as of yet remain unknown. He possesses a large range of magical abilities among them the ability to resurrect the dead explode people with a mere glance shapeshifting and teleportation. During the Junshin period Aji Tae was General Munsus secondincommand. At that time he was smaller in size and sported short black hair and glasses. Despite his innocent exterior however the Jushin Aji Tae was already convinced of the inferiority and unworthiness of mankind and was already plotting his conquest of Jushin. Source: Wikipedia