Class: Blade Brandier Real Name: Kaoru Ichinose Avatar: The Temptress Macha A player with so much skill and power that hes considered superior even by the greatest players in The World. He is the Emperor of the Demon Palace in Lumina Cloth and has numerous fans. However hes extremely cold and only ever shows emotion towards the cat he has on his shoulder. In real life he is a 20yearold hikikomori and the former .hacker Elk. Endrance is obsessed with beauty. He sees the other players as nothing more than ugly dolls and treats them coldly. Though he is online almost constantly he never meets with other players instead traveling through fields by himself. The only times he makes public appearances is when hes called into the Arena to defend his title. He is fiercely devoted to the small cat on his shoulder which he has named Mia. When fighting he constantly refers to somebody he calls She though its unknown if this is a reference to Mia Macha or some other entity altogether. Shortly after he joins Haseo Endrance becomes much friendlier especially to Haseo.