Setsuna F. Seiei

刹那・F・セイエイ, Soran Ibrahim, Kamal Majirif
Birthday:Apr 7, 2291
Age:16 (First Season), 21 (Second Season), 23 (Movie)
Blood Type:A
Height: 162cm First Season 175cm Second Season Weight: 49kg First Season 58kg Second Season Birthplace: Republic of Krugis Real Name: Soran Ibrahim Other Designations: Kamal Majirif Unit: Gundam Exia First Season 00 Gundam Second Season 00 QanT Movie Setsuna F. Seiei is the main protagonist of the story in Gundam 00. Hes a Gundam Meister of Celestial Being. Having grown up as a child soldier brainwashed to murder his own parents and later cast away when he was no longer deemed useful Setsuna became taciturn introverted and wholeheartedly against war at a very young age. He believes deeply that there are key disturbances that prevent the world from coming together in peace and harmony to the point of developing a habit of labelling specific people and/or forces as sources of conflict towards the worlds path to peace. He has little tolerance for diplomats and politicians believing that their negotiations only prolong wars and cause more strife. He has got a vendetta to settle and his past battle experiences stir up old bitter feelings increasing his combat potential as a beneficial side effect. Though a selfproclaimed atheist he often questions the motivations of God with people and worldly events. Having been saved by a Gundam when he was about to be killed as a child he came to view the Gundams as the manifestation of the idea of salvation itself. He idolizes the Gundams so much that he wants to embody the Gundam himself a means to eradicate all conflict. Ever since being saved and recruited into Celestial Being he has devoted his being to realizing the organizations ideals and would not hesitate to fulfill them. However Setsuna notes the irony of him being someone who is good at nothing but dishing out violence despite his earnest yearning for peace nonetheless. Setsunas codename could denote the contradiction of his ends and means as its translated as Moment From the Holy Eternity. He is part of the Kurdish people and the first Gundam protagonist of Middle Eastern descent. His real name is based off Soran Ebrahim a Kurdish child actor who protrayed the protagonist of the film Turtles Can Fly.