Willard H. Wright

ウィラード・H・ライト, Will, Wizard-Hunting Wright, Wright of the Twenty Wedges
Birthday:Oct 15
Willard H. Wright is a former firstclass archbishop and Chief Inquisitor of SSVD the 8th District Repentance Enforcement Agency of the Great Court of Heaven. He is named after Willard Wright and enforces Van Dines Commandments. A young ace inquisitor once feared by witches for his cold and ruthless tactics he gained the nicknames Wright of the Twenty Wedges and WizardHunting Wright. Over time however he grew malcontent with SSVDs brutal standards and resigned from his position. Will is the detective of the seventh game taking on the role held by Battler Ushiromiya and Erika Furudo in the previous games in a world where Battler does not make it to the conference. Previously he was briefly alluded to in TIPS for episode 5 as the leader of the SSVD and rumored to be more powerful than the Eiserne Jungfraus current leader Dlanor A. Knox. Unlike other characters who attack arguments using a red blade or a blue blade or a golden longsword in the case of Battler Ushiromiya Will utilizes a black sword against his opponents. Although he appears gruff and quick to anger he is genuinely goodhearted and opts to be as lenient as possible during his investigations.