Kazuhiko Amamiya
雨宮一彦, Yousuke Kobayashi, Shinji Nishizono
Birthday:Jun 19
Height: 179 cm
A police detective known to his colleagues as Yousuke Kobayashi an inoffensive family man tracking down a serial killer who mutilates his victims by severing their limbs. When the killer sees Yousuke on television he claims to recognize something in the detective and mutilates Yousuke039s girlfriend. Yousuke eventually tracks down the killer at which point a new personality called Shinji Nishizono an arrogant and callous psychopath emerges and shoots the killer. From this point onward the personality of Yousuke is replaced by Kazuhiko Amamiya a coolheaded serious criminologist who is arrested and imprisoned for the murder of the serial killer. Kazuhiko039s personality fluctuates several times during the course of the story most commonly switching between Kazuhiko Amamiya and Shinji Nishizono in the early chapters. It is usually clear to the reader which personality is in control at any given time as Kazuhiko Amamiya is nearsighted and wears glasses whereas Shinji Nishizono does not require glasses.