N Harmonia

ナチュラル・ハルモニア・グロピウス, Natural Harmonia Gropius
N is an enigma of a character who was first introduced in the Black and White or Fifth generation Pokmon games. He is one of the rival characters to the player character in the Pokmon games and appears numerous times to battle with the player. N is an idealistic activist that has adopted the Team Plasma philosophy of releasing Pokmon from human control due to humanitys constant abuse of Pokmon and their powers for battle and other practical uses. Ns ideal goal is to create separate worlds for both Pokmon and humans. N has the ability to sense a Pokmons feelings and thoughts along with hearing their voice. He has a very intuitive relationship with Pokmon more so than he does with actual human beings. N also has an obsession with mathematical formulas and how they work together so cohesively to create many things. In fact one of his favorite things to do is riding Ferris wheels simply because he loves how all these different mathematical formulas come together to create a beautifully synchronized circular motion in the Ferris wheel.