Sanae Nagatsuki

Sanae is Eiko Aizawas childhood friend and classmate and is completely infatuated with Ika Musume Sanae has an obsessive crush over Ika Musume much to their dismay. She is constantly taking pictures of Ika and often imagines situations in which she would win over Ikas heart and gets jealous whenever she sees other girls with Ika. Ika does not return Sanaes affections and is often disgusted by Sanaes attempts to approach her to the point where she often hit them away with their tentacles and spray them with ink. This doesnt help however as Sanae seems to exhibit a strange masochistic pleasure out of this. Although if shes called up by Eiko for a serious errand Sanae is able to keep calm even when around Ika and help out. She owns a pet dog named Alex and keeps a wardrobe full of cosplay outfits.