Dae-Geon Kim

Blood Type:A
Height: 182 cm One of MinSeongs disciples alongside Kim Shinhttps://anilist.co/character/334237/ShinKim Pi WooJinhttps://anilist.co/character/334229/WooJinPi and Seo JinTaehttps://anilist.co/character/334228/JinTaeSeo DaeGeons story is one of selfsacrifice. Alongside WooJin he once opposed Hasungs takeover on the Hoeam region until an incident in which DaeGeon and WooJin directly assaulted the cornerstone of Hasung at the time and DaeGeon confronted DeokSu by himself. After that DaeGeon seemingly betrayed those of Hoeam and joined the Hasung group but in truth he did so in a pact with DeokSu: In exchange of his fealty they would leave his friends alone and let them live well. For a long time DaeGeon served the group dutifully although jaded and a cynic with low selfworth but eventually upon meeting Shin and becoming his first serious opponent he starts to undergo a change of heart.