Rinko Jerrard

Birthday:Dec 24
Blood Type:AB
Age: 15 Birth date: 24 December Ability: Change beads into bombs She creates special accessories in order to use her beads in more constructive ways such as: She comes from a rich family and in the past many people had pretended to be her friend so that she would buy them things. Disillusioned with the seeming coldheartedness of the world she succumbs to Robert039s hypnotic charisma and joins the Ten. Initially Rinko has a crush on Robert since he treats her as a real friend but she eventually sees Robert for what he really is and joins up with Ueki indeed becoming his guardian and constant caretaker. Rinko039s Celestial King Candidate is a man named Nikay one of Margarette039s followers whom she hasn039t seen since the battle began. She loves all animals taking an immediate liking to Tenko whom she calls quotTenkochanquot but her weakness for cute things makes her vulnerable to Ban039s power. Note that it is wise not to insult her no matter what for she has a side to her that makes her incredibly unhealthy for the person who insults her. She doesn039t seem to realise that she has this quotevilquot side and fortunately for her she forgets whatever her quotevilquot side says or does. This quotevilquot side seems to be activated whenever someone insults her. Example : When Ban calls her an 039insect039 which causes her to become furious and unlock her quotevilquot side. This quotevilquot side has no love for animals as shown when she remorselessly swats away Ban039s cute living Pick with her special glove then beats Ban up by slapping him with the glove relentlessly. In another instance at the end of the manga series when she confesses her love to Robert but Robert insults her although he doesn039t really meant to by calling her quotsmall fryquot. Robert becomes her second victim and has to be hospitalized for a fortnight. source : wikipedia