Kaori Akishita

Birthday:Jul 21
Height: 162 cm 53 Features: That scent of hers that I can count on to waft my way from the seat next door is the joy that grants verve to my daily toil. The wonderful fragrance from one of the schools most gorgeous and kind hearted girls... Is it not lifes greatest pleasure? Its an especially vivid experience if shes just finished working up a sweat for example after a morning run or a P.E. class. One can only assume that scent comes straight from her armpits. I developed this theory after observing the sweat stains under her armpits which sometimes appear. Whilst its not yet known if she trims her armpit hair or if its natural growth but what precious little hair that remains looks soft and beautiful. By: Ririka Kaguharahttps://anilist.co/character/292203