
リタ, Prisoner 999, The Witch
Birthday:Apr 4
Height: 156 cm Rita is a former assassin who currently works at the Kindergarten Noir under Erinas orders. She is the teacher of the dandelion class along with Doughttps://anilist.co/character/289106/Doug and Hanahttps://anilist.co/character/293694/HanaBradley. Rita is known for her friendly and approachable nature especially when it comes to interacting with the children at the Kindergarten Noir. She is physically strong which allows her to easily participate in any play activities the kids want to engage in making her adaptable to various physical games. While she may appear confident in handling tantrums from the children there are moments when she becomes anxious and unsure of how to handle them. In the past she held a grudge against Doug for his boastful nature and occasional teasing.