Yuki Nagato

長門有希, Nagatocchi
Birthday:Nov 18
Height: 154 cm 50 Occupation: Student grade 11 Yuki Nagato is a quiet high school freshman that is the only member of the SOS Brigade that was not voluntarily arrested or coerced into joining by Haruhi Suzumiyahttps://anilist.co/character/251/HaruhiSuzumiya. She lives alone in the same apartment complex as Ryouko Asakurahttps://anilist.co/character/255/RyoukoAsakura. She wears glasses and her school uniform at all times and has a very stoic and introverted personality preferring simple body language rather than speaking. When prompted to speak she does so in a very concise manner always speaking in a monotone and displaying a dispassionate complexion.