Tokio Kurohara

黒原トキオ, Vulture Choujin Iwato's Hero
Birthday:Jan 13, 1982
Height: 175 cm He is the protagonist of Choujin X. He is 16 years old student and a good friend of Azuma Higashi Following the events of the first chapter Tokio became the Bestial Choujin. As a small child he and his classmates went on a field trip to a zoo where they had to draw an animal that represented them. After Azuma got compared to a lion Tokios peers decided to mock him by comparing him to a vulture an animal that has negative undertones associated with it. They continued to bully him until he broke down into tears before running away. Later Azuma caught up to him and consoled him pointing out a cool fact about vultures which made Tokio see them in a more positive way. The event seemingly became a treasured memory for him as his room can be seen decorated with a picture of a vulture.