Ga-Yol Jin

진가욜, Gerard Jin
Birthday:Sep 30
Blood Type:A
Height: 188 cm 62 A man of few words Gerard appears at first glance to be a mostly silent and antisocial individual rarely interacting with others and not speaking unless first spoken to. However it appears that his quiet personality is mostly a result of his lack of friends as when seen with Ben Park Gray Yeon Alex Go etc. he freely interacts with them and can carry a conversation easily. On occasion Gerard has even been shown to attempt active interaction with his friends. Gerard is quite sensitive of his hair becoming comically irritated whenever he is teased about it by his friends. However he refuses to change it. He also carries several eccentric habits such as when Rowan found him sleeping in a flower bed. Despite all his quirks while fighting Gerard has shown himself to be a capable and levelheaded opponent able to maintain a cool head in the midst of battle and only retaliating against his attackers when things go too far.