
童虎, 天秤座の童虎, Roshi, Old Master, Dohko of Libra, Dohko de Libra, Mestre Ancião
Dohko is one of the two survivors of the last generation of Athena Saints along with Aries Shion who is a close friend of him. After the war Dohko received the order to watch the tower where Hades Specters were sealed until the next Holy War. Dohko lives at the Five Peaks in China alone with ShunRei an orphan girl he took on his care. Dohko is also the master of Dragon Shiryu and Ohko who is an animeonly character. Dohko represents a father figure to Shiryu as well and Shiryu often recalls on his wise teachings whenever facing difficulty in battle. He is often seen as an adviser of the main characters and a good friend of Aries Mu Shions disciple. When Dohko was young he was much more vivid and rather impulsive. After regaining his young form during the Hades arc he retains the behavior of his youth albeit much more circumspect and mindful result of his almost three centuries of experience as a Saint.