Megumi Hanajima

Megumi and Saki are extremely close. Megumi has always been there for Saki and when he learned of his sisters powers he not wanting his sister to be the only quotweird onequot in the family studied the art of curses until he finally mastered it. He and Saki both enjoy wearing black because they feel quotcalmquot in that color. He joined Saki in her predicament so that she would not be alone in her sufferings. Megumis name is a small joke for the name quotMegumiquot means quotblessingquot while Megumi himself studies how to put curses on people. Megumi has never actually been seen using his power to curse anyone. When the Prince Yuki Fan Club attempted to weaken Tohrus defenses by finding and using Sakis weakness Megumi joined his sister in scaring them away. His dark demeanor and his ability to quotguessquot the girls names frightened them from the house. The next day Saki mentioned that the girls would all be cursed in three days time. While it seems possible for Megumi to do this since he claimed that all he would need were the girls names the manga never shows what happens so Saki could have been bluffing. Like his sister he is also highly mature for his age not only in intelligence and behaviour but as well as in sexual maturity as Arisa states when he makes a comment how he came to her restaurant only to see her in a miniskirt: quotYou know you really dont act like a middle schooler more like a lecherous old man.quot This only happens in the manga. Megumi for his part has been called the trios quotbodyguardquot and seems to consider himself as such as he goes through a good deal of trouble to aid Arisa and his sister in their guarding of Tohru. Megumi seems to admire her very much and will do anything to help her. Thanks to Absolute Anime for Character Description