Daybit Sem Void

デイビット・ゼム・ヴォイド, Man of Sem, Enfant Terrible of the Clock Tower
Daybit Sem Void Deibitto Zemu Vuoido is one of the seven Crypters Masters attempting to supplant the Greater History of Man with that of the Lostbelt in Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt. He is the Master of a Grand Class Servant. He was formerly one of the forty eight Chaldea Master Candidates and a member of A team. His memory has been altered by his contact with the Angelic Artifact so that it can only record a total of 5 minutes per day. In 2012 Daybit confronted Marisbury in his office threatening him to shut down CHALDEAS. As the choice was between CHALDEAS or his life Marisbury pulled out a gun of his own and shot himself rather than let CHALDEAS go.