Yousuke Otoha

乙羽 / 鴉, Karas
Yousuke Otoha is a character dark in history and actions breaking the traditional mold of a Japanese hero. He is portrayed as the product of incest between his mother and his brother who is the local yakuza boss. Otohas backstory states him as suffering from congenital insensitivity to pain which lends the character a merciless reputation as his brothers enforcer. Suffering from posttraumatic amnesia Otoha has accepted the role of protector of Tokyo the role of Karas to to defend its inhabitants and the youkai from Eko and his Mikura. With his pocketwatch device no explanations on that through the series Otoha can transform into different forms. He can take on the form of Hishokaku to fly or a ninjalike form to fight. As Karas Otoha is the last bastion of defense against Eko. In his free time Otoha helping to run a hospital for youkai. Source: Wikipedia