ヤドキング, Slowking
Slowking is a bipedal Pokmon with a Shellder latched onto its head. It is primarily pink with a pale yellow muzzle and scaled belly. Its feet and hands each have a single clawed digit while the hands also have a clawless thumb. Around its neck is a spiny ruff with alternating red and white stripes. The Shellder on its head has a spiral shape with two horns near the base. A red gem resides in the center of the Shellder.
Shellders bite releases venom into Slowpokes brain causing a chemical chainreaction that unlocks a superior intelligence and extraordinary power. More venom is injected into Slowking every time it yawns. The more venom the Shellder releases the more intelligent Slowking will become. However if the Shellder on its head comes off it will forget everything it has learned. Slowkings intelligence can match that of a human and it constantly attempts to learn more. Its inspiration and intuition are also highly developed and Slowking is able to stay calm in any situation and plan situations with effective results.
Source: Bulbapedia