Mugi Tadano

只野 麦
The male protagonist of the series. He spent most of his childhood living in Onomichi by himself because of his motherrsquos death and his fatherrsquos work. He is very selfsufficient and able to do house work make various repairs budget money and especially cook. Even though he is described as plainlooking his name is routinely punned TadanoMugi quotcommon Mugiquot or quotcommon wheatquot he has a few girls that are attracted to him. Most of the time he is unaware of their feelings. He has become very devoted to Yuu who he fell in love with at first sight but he doesnrsquot tell her out of fear of their relationship crumbling and her not having anywhere to live. Once Yuursquos circumstances changed he has been trying to confess to her but is often hindered by his own indecisiveness or being interrupted. He is prone to be in compromising situations with the female characters or having sexual fantasies about Yuu. Wikipedia