Ken Shibasaki
柴崎健, Shibaken, Aniki
Birthday:Apr 1
Blood Type:O
Height: 167 cm 55
Kens major priority is women and he doesnt like to hide it. Often seen flirting around with his female classmates Ken enjoys talking about them and frequently goes on dates with different girls. Despite his lax attitude with them Ken is nicer to girls than he is with guys and looks out for them from afar rather than actively.
With friends hes nothing but cheerful and joking often teasing them to their annoyance. His seemingly carefree attitude does hide a serious side underneath but he buries it under positive interactions and playful banter. Whatever criticism he gets is also seemingly washed over but he takes it to heart and stews over it when hes not interacting with friends.
Back when he was a child he was much more shy and not likely to stand out. He couldnt make any friends as a result and cried often. His personality change in middle and high school reflects that.