Yzak Joule
Birthday:Aug 8
Blood Type:O
Age: 17 GS 19 GSD 21 GS Movie
Genetic type: Coordinator
Height: 175 cmGS 177 cmGSD 179cm GSmovie
Mobile Suit: GATX102 Duel Gundam GATX102 Duel Gundam Assault Shroud ZGMF1001/K Slash ZAKU Phantom ZGMFX2000 GOUF Ignited
Gundam SEED:
A member of the Le Creuset team which raids Heliopolis who becomes the pilot of the captured Duel Gundam. A secondgeneration Coordinator whose mother sits on the PLANT Supreme Council Yzak is fiercely proud of his elite status and regards his teammate Athrun Zala as his chief rival. After clashing with the Strike Gundam Yzak becomes even more intent on defeating the Archangel and its resident mobile suit and the injuries he sustains in battle serve to further fuel his hatred.
Source: GundamOfficial