Hajime Komaba

A medical student attending university he is the last of the players to be presented. He didnrsquot meet with the others because he was lured by a false text message to a different meeting place at a different where he was abducted separate from the group. He reveals to Yuu that the text message apparently came from his phone which Yuu denies having any knowledge of. Cool and collected he is the most levelheaded of the players and appears to have the best understanding of what is going on. He stumbles across most of the clues and comes up with most of the deductions which causes him to be suspected of being the wolf on a few occasions. He is the one that concludes all the events following the ldquoRabbit Doubtrdquo game and assumes the role of the leader since he seems to be well informed. His primary concern is survival and he is indifferent to whether or not his accusations offend another player or a decision he makes ultimately leads to their death. He knowledge of medicine helps him solve the mystery behind the death of a man they stumble across and briefly believe to be the wolf as well as assists Mitsuki when she becomes injured. He seems to be the antithesis to Yuus personality. His bar code is on his arm.