Warau Salesman New
Each episode follows Fukuzou Moguro, a traveling salesman, and his current customer. Moguro deals in things that give his customers their heart's desire, and once his deals are made and their unhealthy desires are satisfied, Moguro's customers are often left with terrible repercussions, especially if they break the rules of his deals...
Episode 1 - Daydream / Make a Budget and Stick to It
Episode 2 - Hot Spring Eccentricity / Fantasy Company
Episode 3 - Bento Wars / Ah, My Beloved 583-Type
Episode 4 - The Woman on the Platform / Runners' Paradise
Episode 5 - Sunday Club / The Woman Who Throws Away
Episode 6 - I'll Lease This Monster / Tonight's Another Awesome Night
Episode 7 - The Man Who Transformed / The Rule of Mommy Friends
Episode 8 - The Man Chased by His Dreams / Mustache Taxi
Episode 9 - The Nostalgic Bathhouse Tour / The Researcher's Melancholy
Episode 10 - The Person in the Acquired Film / Fake Grandchild
Episode 11 - Destructive Tendencies / I'm an Idol
Episode 12 - The King of the Chat Room / Japan Overseas Trip