Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki
After growing up in Tokyo, high school student Jin Kaito moves to Nagoya where he meets Yatogame Monaka, a fellow student who puts her Nagoya dialect on full display. With her cat-like appearance and unvarnished Nagoya dialect, Yatogame won't open up to him at all. This popular local comedy is increasing the status of Nagoya through observation of the adorable Yatogame-chan!
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Episode 1 - Beginning
Episode 2 - Tokyoites
Episode 3 - I'll Nyaa-ver Allow It
Episode 4 - No Good Pictures
Episode 5 - Not Gonna Teach You
Episode 6 - Let's Go to Sugakiya
Episode 7 - Not Like That
Episode 8 - This Ain't Akiba
Episode 9 - Nothin' To Do With It
Episode 10 - Just Gotta Put Some On
Episode 11 - It Ain't Cool Here
Episode 12 - See Y'all Again